How Do Braces Work?

Braces In Kennewick, WA

Braces in Kennewick, WA

Dr. Jade, your orthodontist in Kennewick, WA, uses orthodontic treatment to transform smiles and keep mouths healthy. If you have any crooked teeth or gaps in your teeth, you've probably considered orthodontic treatment, and we can help with braces.


Most of us don't have perfectly straight teeth without a little help. It's natural for teeth to be misaligned, crowded, or have gaps, but there are benefits to straightening your teeth. Straight teeth make chewing and speaking easier, and straight teeth are easier to clean and thus less likely to decay. Straight teeth also give you a great smile, which always makes a good impression.

When you see your orthodontic specialist in Kennewick, WA, your recommended treatment plan will vary in length depending on the issues you need to correct. A typical treatment plan with traditional braces can last anywhere from six months to two years. It takes time to shift your teeth, but the benefits follow you for the rest of your life.

How Braces Work

Braces use a system of brackets cemented to the teeth, connected by wires that guide the teeth into proper position. Gently and over time, the thin metal wire called an archwire is tightened and it helps shift your teeth into an aligned position.

There are some less noticeable forms of orthodontic treatment, including using ceramic, tooth-colored brackets with wires, and Invisalign, a system of wearing clear aligners to shift your teeth. Invisalign is popular because the treatment is nearly invisible and the removable aligners are more convenient, but it isn't recommended for every orthodontic issue. Lingual braces are applied to the back of your teeth and aren't visible at all, but they can't correct every orthodontic issue and are much more expensive than traditional braces.

Traditional braces have a long history of successfully correcting smiles which is why they are still in use today. Your orthodontist Dr. Jade can design a treatment plan for you to have a beautiful smile! 

To make an appointment to learn if braces are right for you, call Jade Orthodontics in Kennewick, WA at 509-736-2000 today!

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